clone-repo 0.1.1

Released clone-repo 0.1.0 (then 0.1.1 a few minutes later)

I've just taken an old script I use all the time ( and released it as a proper CLI tool. Behold: clone-repo (or on PyPI).

In short:

$ clone-repo
Cloning into '/Users/mick/src/'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 62, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (62/62), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (44/44), done.
remote: Total 62 (delta 25), reused 48 (delta 11), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (62/62), 26.05 KiB | 13.02 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (25/25), done.

I use it all the time clone random repos. I found very quickly that checking everything out directly into ~/src or ~/projects lead to very big directories, and even better, some duplicates.

Cloning into a fixed structure helps keep things organized. It also makes it easy to clone forks too!

As a bonus it maps well to Visual Studio Code's new security model, where they ask if you want to trust a repo and optionally the parent folder too. In this case clone-repo has helpfully used the organization as the parent folder, so you can trust (or not trust) whole organizations.

To install use something like pipx install clone-repo. See my post on [pipx]({{< ref "how-i-work-pipx" >}}).

Notes on the code

I've taken the opportunity to bloat out a simple tool with a bunch of random libraries and tools I'm trying out:

  • structlog for my logging. I've always wanted to try this out as an alternative to logging. So far I'd say it's pretty good, but I'm having to overcome over a decade of using Python's logging patterns!
  • just as a make alternative. So far I like it for project management tasks. You can see the justfile here.
  • changelog-manager to manage the changelog. As a side effect it also manages the version using semver rules. If I fix stuff it's a patch bump, if I add stuff it's a minor version bump and if I change stuff it's a major bump. This was a nice surprise, as I can now more meaningfully drive my versions from the changes I make (this is something I love in Elm). You can see the changelog here.